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Mac was diagnosed with bone cancer on April 16.

Well, this will be short, but yesterday was Mac’s 12th birthday and I am so grateful that he is with us to celebrate! Of course, we got him a cake (well, I got him a cake – Connor thought it was a bit ridiculous), a new toy, and a bully stick. Only in LA can you easily find an organic Dog Bakery…

He spent the day snuggling with Connor and then chowing down on his cake later. I got this great video of him with his cake – keep in mind, he was only supposed to get a SLICE!!

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Still waiting to hear back from our normal vet to see if we can get in for JUST chest x-rays to save some money. I know we’re basically just paying for peace of mind, but peace of mind is nice!!

Oh, some other news – remember how I said one of Connor’s family newfoundlands was diagnosed with bone cancer? The other newf (they are siblings) was just diagnosed with the SAME cancer in the SAME EXACT SPOT on her leg! Can you believe that? I can’t!

§192 · February 1, 2016 · Uncategorized · (3 comments) ·

Happy Holidays to all of my Tripawd friends!

Mac’s 9-month scans will be in a couple weeks, just 2 weeks shy of his 12th birthday! He is doing great and still has the same amount of energy that he did when we adopted him almost 1.5 years ago.

We did get some sad news that one of Connor’s parents newfies has bone cancer, and he is not a candidate for amputation. It doesn’t look like he has much time left, as it has already spread to his lungs and he already has 2 bad legs. Mac has spent lots of time with him lately and he enjoys the company.

Here are some great pics of Mac during this December month – thanks for looking!

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§182 · December 30, 2015 · Uncategorized · (6 comments) ·

Well, today is a great day! We’ve hit the 6-month mark since Mac’s big surgery on April 29, 2015. He is flourishing in more ways than one. I always say that I don’t think he’s aged a single bit since we adopted him in June 2014, and his 12th birthday will be in January 2016. He still has the same level of playfulness, energy, appetite and general disposition. He had clean scans as of Oct 15 and his next scans will be about a week or two before his 12th birthday! We are so lucky and very grateful. Since it has been a while since I’ve posted way too many photos, here’s a handful of recent shots of our handsome, perfect pup:

On the way back from the vet after getting the AMAZING news of clean scans!!

On the way back from the vet after getting the AMAZING news of clean scans!! (Check out that awesome Halloween bandana they gave us!)

Sleepy puppy keeping mom company while she works on her new business.

Sleepy puppy keeping mom company while she works on her new business.

Is that a Mac under there?

Is that a Mac under there?

Yep, that's definitely a Mac. Testing out the new couch and refusing to get off...

Yep, that’s definitely a Mac. Testing out the new couch and refusing to get off…

Greeting me at the door with his favorite ball...I just LOVE coming home to see this face.

Greeting me at the door with his favorite ball…I just LOVE coming home to see this face.

This is my favorite, though a very poor quality photo. Mac recently learned he doesn't need to wait for an invitation to get on our bed. This was an early Saturday morning cuddlefest with Mac and his mom.

This is my favorite, though a very poor quality photo. Mac recently learned he doesn’t need to wait for an invitation to get on our bed. This was an early Saturday morning cuddlefest with Mac and his mom. There is NOTHING better than a big, warm, fluffy lovebug to snuggle with in the chilly morning hours. 


Thanks for looking!



§169 · October 29, 2015 · Uncategorized · (5 comments) ·

UPDATE: I can proudly say that our nearly 6 month scan was CLEAN!!!!! Ugh I can’t even tell you the weight that has been lifted! Only issue now is that Mac has gained about 5 pounds and the vet would like to see him lose about 15 total :/ He has always had weight issues but it’s especially tough since he’s so dang cute and loves food like he needs oxygen.



This will be short since I plan to post an update later but for the past month I have been postponing Mac’s second set of scans literally every week. Well, today is the day and we’re going through with it!


While I feel fairly confident that the scans will go well and nothing will show up, I also am dreading the possiblity that there will be something there. Things have been going so well and Mac is as good as ever and the idea that it could be bad news is prematurely breaking my heart!

I keep thinking of Sally – how she stopped all scans, etc. after Happy Hannah was done with her treatment plan. How liberating it must be! But then, at the same time, I feel like I need to know…

In any case, keep Mac in your prayers! Will update later. Send soothing thoughts …

§164 · October 15, 2015 · Uncategorized · (9 comments) ·

Well I certainly am happy to report that we completed Mac’s 4th and final chemo yesterday afternoon! The last 2 chemos have gone incredibly smoothly – no noticable side effects whatsoever.

Dr. Turner will have us come back every 2-3 months for scans and blood work, but other than that, we’re done! It’s hard to believe everything was ‘fine and normal’ 3 months ago – and to now be done with the worst of it…

As I was writing that last sentence, I realized Mac’s surgery was 3 months ago, today! On April 29th, 2015, Mac became a Tripawd. Man, has he taught us so much about life and living every moment to the fullest capacity. I look into his eyes and see such wisdom and insight. Looking through this blog and seeing how far he has come is truly incredible.

I credit all of you at Tripawds for the courage to go through with the surgery and chemo and I am so grateful to Dr. Turner, who gave me the Tripawds card when I came in to see her with the intentions of pursuing palliative care.

Anyway, enough of that! Here are some pics of Mac from yesterday!


Of course, I set up a ‘ground fort’ so that Mac and I could snuggle after his chemo. What does he do? Jumps over it onto the couch…


Goofy face. The snuggliest dog in the world…


His favorite elephant…


All smiles and bowties. This is why I go to the same groomer!

§145 · July 29, 2015 · Uncategorized · (8 comments) ·