(Can we add a disclaimer about my ‘dog voice’? 🙂 ) So we’re almost at the month and a half mark since Mac’s big surgery! He had his first chemo a couple weeks ago and it could not have gone any better. The only side effect was a little bit of sleepiness for the […]
My good friend, Alex, came over last night (on our last night away from home!) to take some awesome pictures of Mac. He is a photographer and he takes the most amazing pictures of Mac – I thought it was time he gets some new (and improved) pictures 🙂 I hope you enjoy… Wondering what […]
I haven’t updated you in a little while. Mac’s surgery was 2 weeks plus 2 days ago, and his progress is incredible. I shared on the blog page how upset we were when we were told the pathologist was wrong in his diagnosis of Chondrosarcoma, and that Mac does actually have Osteosarcoma. We felt cheated […]
Oh my, I am one happy mama. I prepared for the worst only to be shocked by Mac’s incredible disposition and current state. I have to tell you, the worst part about last night were my terrible allergies. Even when we picked him up, he looked 10x better than he did when we visited him […]
Well, we just got home from seeing Mac for the first time as a tripawd. He was excited to see us, but definitely veryyyyy drugged out. It was honestly quite difficult to see him like that, but I guess on a positive note, he was walking all by himself? The floors are so slippery so […]