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Mac was diagnosed with bone cancer on April 16.

Well I certainly am happy to report that we completed Mac’s 4th and final chemo yesterday afternoon! The last 2 chemos have gone incredibly smoothly – no noticable side effects whatsoever.

Dr. Turner will have us come back every 2-3 months for scans and blood work, but other than that, we’re done! It’s hard to believe everything was ‘fine and normal’ 3 months ago – and to now be done with the worst of it…

As I was writing that last sentence, I realized Mac’s surgery was 3 months ago, today! On April 29th, 2015, Mac became a Tripawd. Man, has he taught us so much about life and living every moment to the fullest capacity. I look into his eyes and see such wisdom and insight. Looking through this blog and seeing how far he has come is truly incredible.

I credit all of you at Tripawds for the courage to go through with the surgery and chemo and I am so grateful to Dr. Turner, who gave me the Tripawds card when I came in to see her with the intentions of pursuing palliative care.

Anyway, enough of that! Here are some pics of Mac from yesterday!


Of course, I set up a ‘ground fort’ so that Mac and I could snuggle after his chemo. What does he do? Jumps over it onto the couch…


Goofy face. The snuggliest dog in the world…


His favorite elephant…


All smiles and bowties. This is why I go to the same groomer!

§145 · July 29, 2015 · Uncategorized · (8 comments) ·

8 Comments to “Mac’s Last Chemo / 3 Month Ampuversary!”

  1. benny55 says:

    Oh Mac!!! Ive got a few tears of happiness flowing over here!!

    And these pictures make me smile non stop!!! You are just ADORABLE!!!!! Wanna’ smoooooch that mug all day long!!! Smiling while stylin’ that handsome bowtie? Refusing to take part in a “ground fort” when you can have a cushy sofa? Do you have your humans wrapped around your paws or what??? Melting my heart Mac! But you’ve done that since Day One!

    And no more chemo!!! YAAAAAAAAAY!!! After Happy Hannah had her four rounds, I didn’t do anymore xrays, just an occasional blood work up. It was actually very “freeing” to just put all that out of our lives.

    OMD! We have a THREE MONTUH AMPUVERSARY to celebrate too!! WOOF!!! WOOF!!!! Lots and lots of cake and ice cream for everybody!!

    You made my day Mac! Thanks sweet boy!!

    Lots and lots of love and hugs!!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

    • teammac says:

      Really! That’s not a bad idea (to just stop all imaging). I just feel for my own peace of mind I’d rather keep it up. But in any case, we’re done with those $700+ treatments and nothing can be as bad as that!!

      Excuse me while I return to the floor while Mac hogs the couch…:)

  2. rascallyadventures says:

    What a handsome fella!

    I love so much about this post, I don’t even know where to begin! Bow ties! Completed Chemo! Ampuversary! Lions and Tigers and Bears oh my!

    So happy for you and Mac!!

    All the snuggles from us,

    Rascal and Co.

    • teammac says:

      Thanks Rascal and Co! Big milestones. Thank goodness – I can’t believe all of this started just 3 months ago…

  3. molliemoo says:

    Yay!!! You go Mac! I love all your pics:) You are a HAPPY DOG!! I am post-op 1 week and a day. It gives me pawspiration reading your journey:))

    Mollie Moo and Family

    • teammac says:

      Oh that makes us BOTH so happy to hear! Can’t wait to hear about Miss Mollie Moo’s 3-legged adventures!

  4. Jordan Roberts says:

    The fabulous Ms. Robyn Arouty forwarded a sweet message to me and I immediately had to come meet Mac. I did not know about this community. Oh, how I wish I had. Your email filled me with happiness.
    Mac, you’ve got a killer smile and I am sending my biggest, deepest, widest, happiest, fuzziest, squirrel chasing vibes to you and yours. You, my friend, hit the family lotto.

    Continued health, big boy!

    • teammac says:

      Oh Hi!! It is so good to hear from you 🙂 I, too, wish you had found this community sooner (But it is never too late 🙂 ). Thanks for your well wishes. I hope you are taking each day one at a time and remembering ALL the good times you had with Dukey.

      I’m sure this community would love to hear about Dukey’s story in the forums. It is a story all too familiar for many of us here, but it is also so nice to know the quality time Dukey had before it was time to say goodbye.

      Thank you for reaching out! It is nice to know you received my message!

      From one Tripawd mom to another…

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