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Mac was diagnosed with bone cancer on April 16.

Just wanted to post a cute video of Mac playing this morning. We are trying to keep him active despite the lack of walks. He used to LOVE going on walks and he could go pretty far too, but now we can barely take him to the corner and back without him getting tired!

Hoping to order him a life vest this week so we can get him in theย pool!

§143 · July 22, 2015 · Uncategorized · (8 comments) ·

8 Comments to “Video of Mac Playing”

  1. Go Mac!
    He looks so happy and full of life. Makes all the agony and second-guessing fade away, doesn’t it? My Dobe Nitro doesn’t go on many walks anymore either, mostly because I’m paranoid of hurting any remains legs; when we do go, I can barely keep up with him! We mostly just play in the backyard like Mac…after all, they really just want to spend time with us, no matter what we’re doing.

    Paula and Nitro

    • teammac says:

      Ohhh how it does INDEED! It is honestly so amazing and inspiring to watch him run like that after living 11 years on 4 legs and only 3 months on 3 legs! It has me worried that he won’t be getting enough exercise, but Connor reminded me that even going up and down the stairs and running around on 3 legs is far more strenuous than it used to be. I’ve got to imagine that front leg is STRONG AS STEEL!! Thanks for all your encouragement, always!

  2. benny55 says:

    This has me grinning ear to ear! I’m absolutely loving this video!

    This is why you proceeded with the amputation, so Mac could live his life to the fullest and enjoy every single moment!!

    Look how happy he is!! His tail is wagging non stop and he is smiling!! He IS smiling!!

    And Connor is EXACTLY right! It does take a lot of exertion to walk/run on three legs…ESPECIALLY for front leggers. And Mac can go up and down stairs? A lot of front leggers never can master going down. My Happy Hannah never could really master going up stairs.

    AND, on top of everything else, Mac is somewhat of a senior…a young one of course!

    Mac absolutely still can enjoy walks! He doesn’t care about “distance”. He just cares about taking his time to stop and take in all the wonderful scents floating on the breeze and just being with you outside. Lots of little rest stops in the shade and just enjoy being with him in the moment.

    Okay…gon a go watch the video again because I love it so much! It makes me so happy to know he has his forever home with you two!

    Love to all…and a scoop of ice cream for Mac!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

  3. molliemoo says:

    Hi, Mac! I love this video!! I have read your blog and I am excited to know you are doing well with your chemo and that your scans are clean! You are an inspiration:)

    XOXO Mollie Moo and Family

    • teammac says:

      Thanks Miss Mollie Moo and Family! I hope Mollie is doing well – the first week – week and a half is the toughest. But after that, it seems to fly by!

      Thanks for your kind words ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. jerry says:

    No worries, little by little the walks will gradually get longer. They won’t be where they used to be but you just fid other things to do together. I think you’ll be surprised when you find out the kinds of activities that can tire him out and stimulate his brain more than walks, there’s so much more to having fun, just wait! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • teammac says:

      Definitely – he is still so strong (drags the vet techs out of his chemo appts!) so we’re trying to be creative with his exercises.

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