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Mac was diagnosed with bone cancer on April 16.


Well I must say that I have some GREAT news to share! Mac had his 3rd chemo yesterday (1 more to go!)  along with his first set of scans since his surgery on April 29, 2015 and they are CLEAN!!!!!

I couldn’t be more thrilled. It sucks not knowing whether or not the chemo or the extensive amount of Eastern meds are actually making a difference or not, but I’d like to think so! We have our last chemo in 3 weeks and then we are DONE! Scans every 3 months after that. I asked Dr. Turner when we consider a dog to be in remission and she said 2 years of clean scans. Well, since Mac is 11 1/2, if he made it another 2 years REGARDLESS I would be a very happy mama.

As I told my mom yesterday when she told me to be prepared for a bad result, I thought Mac would be gone by now so anything extra is just bonus time.

Thanks for reading!

§139 · July 8, 2015 · Uncategorized · (9 comments) ·

9 Comments to “3rd Chemo & 1st Set of Scans”

  1. rascallyadventures says:

    That’s WONDERFUL news! Way to show ’em how it’s done Mac!

    Wishing you continued clean scans!

    Rascal and Co.

  2. benny55 says:

    Thank YOU for this great update! It’s always a pleasure to read about Mac snd to see his sweet pictures!

    You have a WONDERFUL attitude and clearly know how to make everyday count! Mac isn’t worried about his tomorrow, he just knows his todays are the best thing that ever happened to him!

    His story is so beautiful. I’m jist so glad he has such a loving and fun forever home with you. This match was meant to be, that’s for sure!

    CONGRATULATIONS ON A GREAT REPORT CARD MAC!!! Celebrate with some ice cream and cake…you deserve it!

    My Happy Hannah sailed through her four rounds of carboplatin and we had over ONE YEAR AND TWO MONTHS of the most deliriously joyous time ever!
    Cheering flr yoh sweet Mac! You just melt my heart!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

    • teammac says:

      Thank you Sally! You are so right – MAc is very much living in the moment! You should have seen him – usually he is very sleepy after chemo, but this time he was completely unfazed! Can’t believe we’re almost done with the chemo…..

  3. trisheebs says:

    Good to hear Mac is doing so well. Our Sheba is one month behind Mac in the fight against Osteosarcoma. She had her first chemo and is about to start on her Traditional Chinese Medicine. Sounds like Mac gets eastern herbal supplements too! What is he taking?

    • teammac says:

      Thank you!

      Oh boy, let me see if I can remember it all off the top of my head. He gets Sanshedan Chuanbeiye 2x per day (2 vials per day), MUSH mushroom supplement (1 tsp per day), salmon oil (about 1 tbsp per day) for omega 3s, artemisinin (1 tsp 2x daily), and 1 essiac tea supplement capsule 2x per day.

      I have no idea if that’s why Mac is still cancer free but in any case, I will keep using it all! I get my supplements from (Amazon for the essiac tea).

      What is your pup taking?


      Jamie and Mac

      • trisheebs says:

        For Sheba’s complete diet and current supplements, you can read our blog under Sheba’s Osteosarcoma Story.

        As for Chinese medicine, our pup is going to be taking three herbal concoctions. The specialist that we consulted with wants her to start 2 weeks after her first chemo session so that any potential side effects that she may experience can be attributed to the proper origin. She will start them this Thursday!

        1.Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang – Chemotherapy herbal support
        2.Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang – Fighting Mast Cell Tumors and supporting the lungs against cancer
        3.Xiao Chai Hu Tang – herbs to fight cancer – reversing triple burner obstruction

        More info can be found on these Chinese herbal mixtures at

        From the sounds of the regimen you’ve chosen, you may already know about this site? Was this regimen recommended by your vet?

        We are also considering artemisinin and sanshedan after completion of all her chemo rounds.

        All the best to you, Connor, and Mac!

        • teammac says:

          Yep! Path with paws was the first website I came across after my initial devastation after receiving the news about Mac’s diagnosis. I went back a few weeks later, after the surgery, and ordered the arsenal of meds Dr. McCullough recommended. I have no idea if that’s why Mac is still cancer free but I suppose that is all that matters!

          We do the artesmisinin and sanshedan even alongside the chemo – our oncologist had no objections as long as Mac had no reactions, which he hasn’t. He also loves the sanshedan – it is sweet, like a syrup!

          I was interested in the other herbs that you mentioned but on top of Mac’s already huge amount of meds (he’s like an old man!!), I can’t bring myself to adding more to the regime. Perhaps in the future…

          Best of luck to you as well!!

  4. jerry says:

    Just got a chance to check up on you guys and am VERY hoppy to read this update!

    Yep, anything after amputation recovery is icing on the cake. You have a great attitude!

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